torsdag 30 juli 2009

backpack, Peleng 8mm, Holga

My birthday´s coming up and i have to choose what i want. Not cause i know im gonna get it but because i need to wish for something.

This backpack ?

This lens ?

or this Camera

Help me!

onsdag 29 juli 2009

Sorry theres no posts today..

Sorry for the noneposting. Ive been looking for something to write about. Im mostly in planning and not executing my plans.. Im gonna get a Lomo camera!

fredag 24 juli 2009

Portfolio preview imagesize

The imagesize of the preview is not right thats why its a little blurry.. i just like to hear what you think about the layout and design!

Portfolio and some work.

Been working really hard on getting my portfolio ready for the web. I also had a meeting and got hired to cover a multisport competition for a magazine. I have to shoot the qualifier at 26 august and the finals at 17 september. I also have to find a model for a muddy covershoot and a location for that shoot where i can have mud and still use backgrounds and flashes.

Heres a preview of the portfolio. Tell me what you think.

onsdag 22 juli 2009

Photography, Slow shutterspeed

Had a great day today.. Went out on a drive with the D2X and went to shoot some locations ive heard about.. The pics are below. The top 3 are HDR and the bottom one is regular.

Cactus v4 flash trigger review

I dont have the time to perform a elaborate testing of this gear.
Need to get a Wordpress design done in Photoshop then break it apart
in CSS and put it on the web.

Here is a review anyway.

måndag 20 juli 2009

Dave hill tecnique

Been too busy with work today. Couldt write that review i promised yesterday.. Had a 20 minute break and came up with this. Think im starting to get the hang of it!

Tell me what you think while i go to sleep. And ill read it tomorrow and write that tutorial i promised.

söndag 19 juli 2009

Cactus v4 flash trigger rewiew

Ill been trying out this Flash trigger for 4 days now.. Ill post a full review tomorrow!

fredag 17 juli 2009

Dörr A3, Dörr HB - 36

Ok so i went and picked up some gear yesterday and i think for the low price i got the best gear avalible.

This is my review of the Dörr A3 tripod with Dörr HB-36 Ballhead.

First of The Tripod. Its great Sturdy like a 400 $ tripod. with all the features of a much more expensive one. It can easily handle equipment up to 5 kg. and maximum height is 157 cm.
Then how low can it go ? You can push it all the way down in a split. so with the head your camera will be about 15 cm above ground. You can also invert the centerpole for even closer shots.
What about grip ? First the rubber feet of the tripod has a great basic grip. But then if your in really harsh conditions you can screw the feet up to expose spiked grips under them. Really great. Highly recommended. Its priced at about 100 $ in sweden.

Now to the ballhead.
Its a fully panoramic ballhead made from magnesium alloy i think. And this really suprised me in a good way.. basicly go for this rather then buying a gitzo. No matter if your a pro or amateur. Just go for it. Really good quickplate thats holds your camera tight. and the ball goes 360 degrees so you can shoot any direction anytime. The wheels sets the stability of the ball in different directions. and they can really hold it tight. No problems with my nikon d2x and 200 mm optics + flash. I highly recommend both theese products.
They get a 5 out of 5 possible.

Portfolio ranking, Top 25

1 Nicolas Henri

2 Dave Hill

3 Matt Stuart

4 Ken Rockwell

5 Denis Rouvre

6 Erik Almas

7 Maciej Duczynski

8 Koen Demuynck

9 Martin Klimas

10 Cosmin Bumbut

11 Christope Huet

12 Phillip Toledano

13 Jill Greenberg

14 Branislav Kropilak

15 James Nachwey

16 Robert & Shana Parkeharrison

17 Corey Arnold

18 Joey Lawrence

19 Holger Pooten

20 Dan Tobin Smith

21 Andrew Zuckerman

22 Michal Karcz

23 Ralph Gibson

24 Michael Muller

25 Tim Flach

torsdag 16 juli 2009

Sorry theres no posts today..

Ive been working really hard today. My boss from the HQ was at my restaurant to check up on me and give me feedback on my work.. so i really didnt have the time..

Got alot of new gear today. Tripod filters and skyports. Reviews are to come.!

onsdag 15 juli 2009

Lucis art

Been workin in lucis art all day instead of working on the Portfolio roundup..
Think the images turned out nice.. Specially the first one. You really need to see
them fullsize to get a good look.

tisdag 14 juli 2009

Video tutorials

great site for Videotutorials
Shows you how to create stunning images trough thw whole post production procedure.

Ranking of portfolios

Tomorrow early ill post a Ranking of what i think is the best designed Portfolio.
Also ranked on the quality of images. For example is a portfolio poorly designed but
has great images. it wont rank #1 anyway because the Design is so important for a portfolio to keep your interest going. if you come to a ugly site youll probebly check out like 2 pictures and then be gone. Come to a great design and you might stay to check out entire galleries and such.

Lucis art tutorial.

Get the Dave Hill kind of look with lucisart.. Im gonna try it out tonight and see how it works.. probebly the best portrait and comercial photographer today.

dont forget

Best tutorial ive ever found!


This is the HDR i made for think it turned out pretty decent. Dont know if there gonna use it or one of the regular flat images i gave them.
Any way i think it turned out great after some 11 hours of noise removal and touching up.

måndag 13 juli 2009

HDR tutorial

Ok ive done some background research. There´s already too many Hdr tutorials out there on the www. So ive decided to just find the best one and post a link to it instead. is really good. there you got it all explained from point A to Z.

About the strobing and so many other teqniques ill do the same. The last the internet needs is more and more of the same thing.

Im going HDR hunting tomorrow. Thinkin the trainstation might be a good place.
ill get my salary wednesday. Then ill go crazy shopping.. Tripod, Filters, Radio transmitters and stuff.

Ive completed the pictures for ill post the HDR tomorrow.


Im having a hard time with this HDR image im creating. Though Noise Ninja is one hell of a plugin i still have some noise left.

The problem with noise ninja is it blurs the areas with noise and i really dont want blur on a image for a nationwide company. Think ill have to go oldfashion on this one and Remove all the noise manually in PS.

Sucks to be me. Having to Remove noise for about 10 hours and then instantly go to work for another 10 hours.

Hopefully ill be able to post the Edited image sometime next week.

Made some tests on a HDRI i call "The boat" Im a noise killer. Only takes like 7 hours to get it done

söndag 12 juli 2009

workin on the HDR tutorial

I got so much to do and so little time to do it. Im working on my portfolio and ive set the deadline for it to open 31 of Juli..

I have to Edit pictures from a wedding and from the shoot for

Im also workin on the HDR tutorial and a strobing tutorial.. Strobing is the tecnique behind Dave Hills awesome Images.

check out

Also look at the amazing HDRI made by Mapgoblin on flickr

lördag 11 juli 2009


Im editing the pictures from the shoot. Ill have to get a permit to post them.
Kind of hard browsing through 350 images of the same thing to select the best one.
One turned out to a nice HDR image.

I love working with HDR. Really sets your creativity free. Its just the thing about noise..
Got some noise removing software yesterday called Noise Ninja. Its a real timesaver.

Ill post some tutorials for HDR later on.

Working hard

Today i have to do a photoshoot for a nationwide company and i also have to do some regular working at max.

Tomorrow Mom and Dad are coming to visit with my sister so tomorrow will be the first layed back day in ages.

I need to go try out some tripods next week. I need a new one that can hold my gear without falling over.

Ive mostly been looking at this one because the price is sooo low.

tell me if you had any experience with that one. They tell me its stabile for gear up to 4 kilos.

fredag 10 juli 2009

Some pics from a Trip to kåddis

Too slow uploading on this connection.. More landscaping tonight when i get home!

torsdag 9 juli 2009

Tamron 17-50 Review by Bob Atkins

I bought a new HP 550 notebook today with 4 gb of ram so i hope to get some editing done this week..

Ill upload som fresh pictures tomorrow.

fredag 3 juli 2009

el festo del skellefteå

Long time since my last post. Ive been busy working on my portfolio.. Soon done..

Im currently in skellefteå at skellefteåfestivalen.. Sort of hungover today but ill live.

Goin out tonight aswell Just need to sleep a little more..