tisdag 18 maj 2010

Skatepark premier and Florida trip.

This blog has been sort of dead all winter. Thats gonna change now.
Im gonna shoot the opening of Umeås Skatepark and 2 days after
that im going to Florida for 3 weeks.

Nice shots are coming. Hang on!

torsdag 18 mars 2010

Updating issues-

Im really super sorry about not updating.. The thing is its snowing and the weather is just shit.

Im gonna try to get some more snowboarding photos going.

Anyway im really sorry.

söndag 29 november 2009

Requested update here we go.

Theese are 2 new skateboard shots.. Shot with the Flash on a tripod straight from the side.
Edited in Camera raw and PS..

onsdag 19 augusti 2009

Skateboard again

New skateboarding images from this weekend.

tisdag 18 augusti 2009


So my first image for Max.se has been published on their website.


Gonna go shoot another restaurant today. Hopefully published by next week.

Also psyched about the multisport thing coming up soon.

måndag 10 augusti 2009

Nothing to write about

Sorry again. I really got nothing to write about. Work is demanding like 1000 % right now so im basicly at work until sleep and then wake up and do it all over again.

tisdag 4 augusti 2009

Skateboard pictures

Here are the skateboard pics from sunday.. Turned out ok.

måndag 3 augusti 2009


Ok so yesterday i had some big plans to go shoot some highkey landscape shots by the ocean.
My car wasnt really onboard with the plan so i went skateboarding instead. Got some nice shots.
ill post them later tonight or tomorrow. It was a great oppurtunity to try out the cactus v4 some more and also the positioning of the flash when shooting skateboarding.

söndag 2 augusti 2009

High key landscaping today

Im going to hit the ocean today.. all day and just try to find something nice to shoot.. Its my first free day in forever. Gonna try to shoot all images Highkey today..

High key is when the image is dominated by the light tones. your histogram almost flat left and center. and all the action on the bright part.

torsdag 30 juli 2009

backpack, Peleng 8mm, Holga

My birthday´s coming up and i have to choose what i want. Not cause i know im gonna get it but because i need to wish for something.

This backpack ?

This lens ?

or this Camera

Help me!